This article belongs to reality and I am writing this article by my experience.
Everyone knows a strong building needs a strong base. But if the base is not strong,the building will definitely fall. Like this only,every student needs a teacher. Teacher is what who makes the base of a student , who supports a student like a strong pillar and who makes the student able to compete with this outside world.Without teacher one may never finish the race of competition of exams , competition of well being , competition of a good life and competition of competition.
you cannot imagine a world without teacher. Teacher makes the future and if teachers were not there for the entire session ,this may cause some major problems like :- may get very less percentage. may have to repeat the session.
3.less percentage can create negative feelings in the student,which is not good.
4. and many other effects.
these are some reasons ,and these reasons does a huge impact on a student.These conditions may also lead to depression,tension and even suicide.
And I need not to explain more that how teachers are important for us.
This problem can be solved by various methods :-
1. By doing group study.
2.By raising awareness about this problem.
3.we should take care that concern authorities may know about this problem.
(I am a student of class 12th for the session 2015-2016 and I don't had teachers thought out the year and I faced a lot of problem .In 10th class I got 10 cgpa in mathematics but this year I don't think I will get more than 45+ marks and same with my friends.
So, I request the concerned authorities to please pay attention to this rising problem,so that what happened with us I don't want that happen with other.)
Everyone knows a strong building needs a strong base. But if the base is not strong,the building will definitely fall. Like this only,every student needs a teacher. Teacher is what who makes the base of a student , who supports a student like a strong pillar and who makes the student able to compete with this outside world.Without teacher one may never finish the race of competition of exams , competition of well being , competition of a good life and competition of competition.
you cannot imagine a world without teacher. Teacher makes the future and if teachers were not there for the entire session ,this may cause some major problems like :- may get very less percentage. may have to repeat the session.
3.less percentage can create negative feelings in the student,which is not good.
4. and many other effects.
these are some reasons ,and these reasons does a huge impact on a student.These conditions may also lead to depression,tension and even suicide.
And I need not to explain more that how teachers are important for us.
This problem can be solved by various methods :-
1. By doing group study.
2.By raising awareness about this problem.
3.we should take care that concern authorities may know about this problem.
(I am a student of class 12th for the session 2015-2016 and I don't had teachers thought out the year and I faced a lot of problem .In 10th class I got 10 cgpa in mathematics but this year I don't think I will get more than 45+ marks and same with my friends.
So, I request the concerned authorities to please pay attention to this rising problem,so that what happened with us I don't want that happen with other.)